Tips on Dealing With Consequences of DUI

Driving under the influence (DUI), as we know, is an act of driving while a person is intoxicated either by alcohol or drugs. According to Oren Atias, the drunk driving statistics have been quite alarming in the recent past. In 2008-09, there were nearly 38,000 DUI cases in the US alone, with states like California, Georgia, Florida, and Texas recording the highest number of DUI cases.

Considered to be a criminal offense in the US and several other parts of the world, this phenomenon has prompted lawmakers to crack down on DUI offenders, ordering harsh penalties for the convicted drivers. Currently, all states in the US have enacted per se laws that restrict drivers having particular blood alcohol content (BAC) level from operating a vehicle. Generally, the specific DUI laws vary from one state to the other and from country to country.

Consequences of DUI

Oren Atias DUI Lawyer

The DUI penalties depend on whether you are convicted of similar offenses in the past. If this is your DUI first offense, you are expected to pay a huge fine. In many states, your license is suspended temporarily and it becomes mandatory for you to attend DUI educational classes. Other consequences are:

•If this is your second DUI offense, you will certainly face jail sentence, permanent license suspension, a hefty fine and/or court cases.

•Most employers prefer that their employees should have a clean driving record. So, if you have DUI records, chances are that you may lose your job and also have problem finding a new job.

•Those convicted for DUI driving also have to pay higher insurance premiums to their company. At times, the existing policy is also dropped under the drunk driving laws of a particular state.

•Other problems may occur, for example, DUI arrests can weaken an individual’s position in a custody battle, rental applications may get rejected and educational scholarships and loans may be denied.

•In countries such as Canada and some states in the US, immigration related rights may be denied or delayed.

Related: Protect Your Rights During A DUI Traffic Stop

Consulting a DUI attorney

DUI records can be disastrous for your future. But what should you do if you are convicted? You have a solution. The most important step is to consult a competent drunk driving attorney. There are criminal law firms that have specialized lawyers who handle DUI-specific cases. With the advent of the internet, finding the best DUI Lawyers Orange County has become even simpler today.

What you need to know while looking for a DUI lawyer?

You should look for a knowledgeable and experienced DUI lawyer, who knows the DUI laws and ensure that you avoid the severe penalties following a drunk-driving conviction. Look for the number of DUI cases he has handled before and how those trials were resolved.

It is important that you are absolutely honest with your lawyer when you inform about you prior DUI history. For first time DUI offense, penalties are less severe than second or third time DUI cases. You should also produce the necessary documents that are required by your lawyer. He will be your best guide who knows the tricks of the prosecution and in many instances will help you get a DUI expungement as well.

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How To Protect Your Rights During A DUI Traffic Stop

If you drink and drive, no matter how conservatively, there is a real possibility that you could be stopped, arrested, and convicted of drunk driving. First, most people do not realize how few drinks it takes to exceed the legal standard of 0.08% blood alcohol content (BAC). For the average sized person, three or four drinks could easily place them in the “drunk-driver” category as per Oren Atias (an expert DUI lawyer in Newport Beach). However, based solely on a police officer’s claim that you were “impaired,” even though your BAC was below the legal threshold, you can be convicted as a drunk driver. The only additional evidence needed would be proof of some measurable amount of alcohol in your system.

How do you avoid being caught up in a DUI nightmare? Well, you could avoid drinking and driving altogether. That means no beer after the ball game, no wine with your meal, no drinking at holiday parties, sticking to soft drinks at wedding receptions, no meeting your friends after work for a drink and socializing. You get the picture. However, if you choose to drink and drive, there are a number of things you can do to lessen the likelihood of being stopped and charged with a drunk-driving violation.

Your Vehicle

Police officers need probable cause to make a traffic stop.  That cause could be a traffic violation, an observable defect in the vehicle’s safety equipment, or a driving maneuver that can indicate that the driver may be intoxicated.  (Note:  Early development of a roadside laser technology is being touted as a means for law enforcement to determine alcohol content in the cabin of a vehicle as it passes by.

oren atias DUI rights

If the courts agree, this may constitute probable cause without any physical signs by driver or vehicle that point to safety concerns. Truly Big Brotherish.) If given the choice, law enforcement will stop vehicles with the most obvious violations or defects.  Speeding, failing to use signals, rolling through a stop sign, or driving with burned-out lights are common justifications for stopping a motorist.  Most of these are controllable items or situations.

For example, once every two or three weeks turn on all the lights on your vehicles(s). Check both headlight beams, taillights, clearance lights, brake lights and turn signals. And don’t forget the license plate light (this is a favorite!) Your headlights should be properly aimed, also. Make sure your license plates are properly affixed and readable.

Inspection and registration stickers should be current and legible.  A bad or expired sticker is a flashing red light saying, “pull me over now.”

Darkly tinted windows, loud exhaust pipes, broken lenses, unrepaired body damage and cracked windows all serve as the necessary excuse to stop a vehicle.

If the vehicle you are driving is registered in the name of someone who has been convicted of drunk driving it would be wise to not drink and drive in that vehicle. Police officers spend large amounts of time riding around reading license plate numbers into a central computer. When they find a vehicle licensed to someone convicted of drunk driving, especially late at night, they will always find an excuse to pull that car over.

Related: DUI of Drugs Orange County

Traffic Laws

Obviously, violating traffic laws is a good way to attract the attention of police officers. At the same time, driving below an already under posted speed limit, signaling a turn a half a mile before turning or not taking your turn at a stop sign will also attract attention. It is virtually impossible to drive more than a mile or two without violating some arcane traffic law. If you have the option of pulling into a parking lot or otherwise avoid having a patrol car follow you for a long distance there will be less likelihood of being stopped for a traffic violation. Making sure to wear your seat belt is one way to convey an aura of “safety.”

Driving Time And Place

The chances of being stopped under a variety of pretenses at “bar time” are fairly high. However, the police are also attuned to special events like festivals, sports contests, large wedding receptions, church picnics and company parties. Enforcement may be intensified in these environments. If you are moving with traffic and your vehicle is well maintained and not “standing out” for any reason, you are much more likely not to be stopped for enforcement purposes.

dui lawyers orange county dui guide

If you have alternative routes that you can take to your destination, particularly in the later evening, that avoid those areas with the largest concentrations of taverns, bars and nightclubs, you will also be avoiding the largest concentration of enforcement activity. Taking the longer, less traveled route may turn out to be a short cut in the long run!

You’ve Been Stopped, Now What?

Despite your best efforts, a just-burned-out headlight has given a police officer an excuse to stop you. Under other circumstances you might welcome being told about your failed headlight before you left the lighted city streets. But you have been drinking, not in excess, but drinking nevertheless. What should you do?

First, always keep documents like your registration and insurance card in a readily accessible location. You do not want to have to fish through your glove box, or worse, to not find these documents when you need them. When the blue lights go on, find a safe place to pull over, always on the right side of the road whenever possible. Next, turn your dome light on and place both your hands on the steering wheel where the police officer can see them. This makes him more comfortable about his safety and conveys a sense of personal control on your part. If the opportunity presents itself, it’s best to roll down your window and vent the passenger compartment of accumulated odors prior to actually stopping.

Be courteous, but admit to nothing.  This cannot be emphasized enough.  During the stress of a traffic stop, many motorists become overly friendly and talkative as a means to relieve anxiety.  Resist the urge.  You are under no obligation to provide the officer with any information beyond that on your driver’s license, vehicle registration, or proof of insurance.

Any admission, however inconsequential, will be used against you.  A response like “Officer, I just had one glass of wine with dinner” provides the officer with cause to investigate the matter further.  Without that admission he must base his decision to pursue a DUI arrest on your driving, or mannerisms after that stop.

According to Oren Atias, if the officer asks if you have been drinking return his question with a question such as, “would you like to see my license?” or “why do you ask?” A burned-out headlight is not an indication of impairment and neither is a refusal to chitchat about your night’s events. Even if you have been drinking, you do not need to admit it or specify your activities in detail.  “I have nothing to say on that,” is a good neutral response.

If the officer decides to continue his investigation, he may ask you to step out of your vehicle, which the courts say is permissible. He may ask you to perform certain physical tests, “just to prove you’re capable of driving safely.” These tests can include walking a straight line or touching your finger tip to your nose starting from an outstretched arms position or reciting the alphabet backwards. Politely decline. You are not required to perform these tests and there is no penalty for refusal.

The ONLY reason these tests are given is to give the officer justification to require you to take a chemical test (breath, blood or urine) to determine your BAC. Few ever “pass” one of these roadside sobriety tests, not even the most sober of drivers. Don’t argue, be belligerent, or tell the officer about your third cousin who is a cop.  Politely refuse the physical tests.  The requirements of taking a chemical test vary from state to state, are more complicated, and can have serious consequences.

Most states do require a driver to submit to a chemical test, or face severe penalties including a driver’s license suspension of several months and even potential jail time for multiple instances of refusal. Many now allow a refusal to take a chemical sobriety test to be used as evidence against you in a trial. DUI attorneys are divided on whether to provide consent for a breathalyzer, blood, or urine test.  On one hand, refusal can lead to an automatic administrative suspension of your license to operate a vehicle and even a criminal charge with penalties approaching those of a DUI charge.  On the other, the lack of test results makes the DUI case against you more difficult to prove.

From (as of July 2014):

Under “implied consent” laws in all states, when they apply for a driver’s license, motorists give consent to field sobriety tests and chemical tests to determine impairment.  Should a driver refuse to submit to testing when an officer has reasonable suspicion that the driver is under the influence, the driver risks automatic license suspension along with possible further penalties.

Consequences for breathalyzer refusal vary by state, which may explain the wide variance in statewide refusal rates, but most state impose an automatic six- or twelve-month driver’s license suspension upon refusal of a BAC test.  Suspensions usually increase for a refusing motorist with past DUI convictions, sometimes including jail time. License suspension following a refusal may also cause your car insurance company to cancel your policy.  In many states, if the driver is found guilty of DUI, having refused the breathalyzer can result in enhanced penalties.

Here is a sample of state DUI laws with respect to breathalyzer test refusal:

California:  Can result in a citation for refusing a chemical BAC test; consenting to a blood draw after initially refusing a breathalyzer exempts the suspect from a refusal charge

New York:  Automatic six-month license suspension plus a possible $500 fine

Massachusetts:  Six-month automatic license suspension, but refusal cannot be used to imply guilt in a DUI case; lifetime suspension for refusal after three prior DUI offenses

Ohio:  Mandatory minimum six-day jail sentence or three days in jail plus a 72-hour driver intervention program, and a fine, for those with a prior DUI conviction (20-day sentence if it’s the second DUI charge in six years)

There have been instances where the police have obtained a roadside warrant to have a chemical BAC test administered without the driver’s approval. While you may have no choice in that circumstance, always be aware of the actions of the officer and careful of what you say. If the officer has not informed you of “implied consent” – notification to the driver of what may happen upon refusal to take the chemical test – or produced a warrant authorizing the test, that may provide justification to rule the subsequent test results as inadmissible in court.

If you are not “impaired,” it is usually advantageous to you to have the traffic stop recorded on a video camera. Many police cars are equipped with video cameras for just this purpose. However, officers will sometimes avoid turning the camera on if they think the resulting documentation will detract from the possibility of a conviction. Ask the officer if his car has a video camera and if he has it turned on. If he does not have the camera turned on and you believe it would be helpful to your defense, ask him to turn it on so the stop is recorded.

This sends a message that you are not afraid to have your mannerisms and demeanor judged by an impartial judge or jury. It’s very difficult for a police officer to claim your “speech was slurred” or that you were “staggering” when a video shows a composed articulate defendant being interrogated roadside by a uniformed, gun-toting agent of the law.

The officer is free to look into your vehicle, but only from the exterior, unless he requests to search your vehicle. NEVER voluntarily permit a search of your vehicle. To search your car, depending on the jurisdiction, an officer must have probable cause or at least reasonable suspicion, a suspicion he must be able to explain in terms of what he is looking for and why he believes he will find this specific illegal item in your vehicle. There is absolutely no good that can come to you by voluntarily allowing the police to search your vehicle.  The standard police response to “No you can’t search,” is “If you have nothing to hide, you would let me search.”  Verbal ju-jitsu is taught at the Academy; if he had probable cause, or you were already under arrest, he’d search without asking.

Despite all evidence to the contrary, if the officer decides a chemical test is justified you typically have three choices of test procedures: breathalyzer, urine test, or blood test. Frequently, the police will use a breathalyzer test for the initial screening. However, you are sometimes afforded the option of taking one of the other two tests, at your request.

A breathalyzer test is the most inaccurate means of measuring your BAC. Without going into great detail, it should be understood that the error factor can be very high. Some states have agreed that breathalyzer tests are not trustworthy and therefore limit their use in court. That said, if a breathalyzer test generates a reading that confirms your BAC is less than 0.08, you should be free to leave.

The consequences of a DUI conviction can be so severe that securing the services of an experienced attorney could help you take advantage of many factors in the case, including the challenge of questionable breath test results.

A legitimate police stop for a suspected drunk-driving incident should not have to rely on trick questions, sensing devices, or gimmicks to justify a chemical test of the driver. The driver’s lack of control of the vehicle, his inability to reasonably react to questions and requests, and his physical reactions will be a dead give-away of his impaired condition.

Unfortunately, the government, certain commercial interests, and self-serving organizations have institutionalized a negative stereotype of anyone who drinks and drives, no matter how responsibly. By labeling virtually all drivers who drink and drive as “drunk drivers,” they have created a situation where responsible and constructive citizens are at risk of suffering huge fines, exorbitant insurance charges, loss of driving licenses, confiscation of personal property, and even incarceration, all for the singular act of violating an arbitrary BAC standard that doesn’t always signal impairment.

Originally published at:

DUI of Drugs Orange County Lawyer

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs, whether it was prescription medication or illegal drugs, it is imperative that you seek a DUI Drugs Lawyer in Orange County immediately. Unlike the Blood Alcohol test, a DUI for Drugs is usually charged when the officer gets a 0.00 BAC and still believes the driver is under the influence while driving.

Officers will take the defendant to the police station and administer either a urinary or blood test. The results of the urinary test are immediate, however a blood test is not. In Orange County the arresting officer will make the arrest first and ask questions later.

If you have been charged with a DUID or DUI for Drugs, our team of lawyers takes the following steps to ensure that you are not criminally convicted of a DUI for Drugs, simply because you have indicated a positive test result for a substance.

Our DUI Drugs Lawyers in Orange County, will find out when the last time you used drugs occurred. We have seen defendants test positive for drugs in a blood test, despite the fact they may have been intoxicated more than 3 days prior to being charged with the DUI for Drugs.

DUI Lawyers Orange County DUI Drugs

Our team will request a blood split to have your blood or urine independently tested in a laboratory and can use that evidence to show a prosecutor that while you may have tested positive on a urine or blood test, the amount in your urine or blood indicates that you were below the threshold of what is considered under the influence.

If we can show the amount of drugs, legal or illegal, in your blood or urine was not enough to be “under the influence” of that drug, then we can build a case to show you were not “under the influence” while driving.

Orange County Prescription Drug DUI Lawyer

Since the blood test administered by Orange County police merely shows the presence of the drug, and not the concentrations, it is important that the DUI for Drugs Attorney in Orange County ask for a blood split. The Blood split test demonstrates that the quantity found in one’s blood can fall below the threshold of what a licensed expert can prove is an amount, not likely to impair a driver.

The Three most common DUI for Drugs in Orange County are given for drivers under the influence of:

Opioids and painkillers in general

Depressants—Often prescribed for sleep aid or anti-anxiety purposes

Stimulants—Often prescribed for people suffering with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or weight loss

Defending a DUI Drugs Orange County – Drug Recognition Experts

DUI Lawyers orange county

Historically Driving Under the Influence of Drugs was difficult to prosecute because there was little to no scientific based research on the level of intoxication of a person who is prescribed medication. Prosecutors would simply base their tests on a positive negative reading, rather than actually determine the amount of drugs in the blood. As a result of that difficulty, Drug Recognition Experts, were essentially created to make prosecution of these cases easier.

A Drug Recognition Expert is a police officer who goes to school for a couple of days an is trained to determine when a person is “impaired” or “under the influence of drugs”. A person’s tolerance to drugs varies and when and how they are ingested makes it difficult to proclaim that each person is equally impaired simply because of a positive or negative reading in a blood sample.

Also Read: General Glance Of DUI Laws And Driver Rights

First, lets establish that person who goes to school for a short period of a few days, would not be considered and expert in any field. Second, a major flaw with Drug Recognition Experts is that they do not know the person they are examining. Does that person have a history of mental illness? Does that person have physical abnormalities such as red eyes, from prolonged use of contact lenses? Does that person suffer from halitosis and thus has unusually dry mouth?

The fact remains a Drug Recognition expert simply makes very basic observations of a person’s behavior regardless of their regular self. That is, an observation of that person would not really be able to be compared with a regular or normal person since no two people are physically or mentally the same. Could a person have a nervous anxiety disorder or a phobia that would make them seem under the influence of uppers or downers? There is no way for a Drug Recognition expert to determine that when making an observation.

Additionally, there is the concept of being “actually impaired”. In every DUI case a person’s actual impairment must be proven. Let’s say for example you are stopped during a routine DUI Checkpoint. There is no sign of driving in an impaired manner, versus getting into an accident. THis is one example of how a Drug Recognition Expert using very little knowledge to determine your impairment could be proven wrong.

Finally, there is the concept of “Per Se” impairment. This refers to the many studies on alcohol consumption and that the level at which a person is impaired is acceptable at .08% for purposes of law enforcement and DUI for Alcohol. However, there is no “Per Se” level of impairment from Drugs, and that is the reason that Drug Enforcement Specialists and Blood Samples must be argued.

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General Glance Of DUI Laws And Driver Rights

Across the country, states continue to implement stiffer laws for DUI violators, including vehicle restrictions, court fees, jail time and license suspensions. While each state will differ in in regards to the severity of fines, jail time and penalties, all states have some common laws that they share says, Oren Atias who is an attorney handling DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs) and criminal law cases in Orange County, CA and the surrounding areas. For first-time violators, dealing with a DUI charge can present its own set of challenges, and if individuals are unaware of the laws, they could be looking at tougher penalties and fees.

State Laws

From California to New York, every state will grant a suspected perpetrator a “Per Se” hearing that operates as the DMV’s criminal hearing to determine if a motorist is guilty. The results of the meeting will differ from state to state; for example, being guilty in Virginia will result in a one year suspension from the DMV, while a guilty verdict in California will draw only a 3-month license suspension. Do not forget, Per se hearings will determine the after-effect of your license restrictions, while the courts will issue different fines and penalties, such as jail time and ignition locks.

In addition to your license limitations, each state will require an ignition lock on your car, except for Alabama and Massachusetts, and on top of that, you still face probation and/or jail time for your DUI. To get an idea of how complicated it is to deal with a DUI offense, Southern California motorists will have to pay for an ignition lock, employ a Southern California DUI attorney to deal with the criminal and DMV sanctions and attend an alcohol and drug abuse class.

Driver’s Rights

DUI Lawyers Orange County

All states have stated that the legal limit for a DUI is determined to be.08%, and anyone caught over this limit will be arrested. Still, even if you are under the limit, you can still be cited for a DUI as you may present a threat to other motorists because of the manner in which you are driving. While Per se meetings are not mandatory, it is up to the offender to schedule and be present at these meetings with an attorney because without legal representation, a person will more than likely be found guilty and be issued a suspension on his license.

The lawyer that you employ may help reduce the charges, so say you live in Southern California, you could employ an Orange County DUI attorney and get only restricted driving privileges as opposed to a suspended license, and probation instead of jail time. No matter where you get caught for a DUI, it is always good to prepare yourself with a sufficient amount of information and have a legal counselor by your side to properly settle the dilemma.

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9 Questions to Ask DUI Lawyers Before You Hire Them

You’ve been charged with driving under the influence (DUI). Now you are faced with securing legal representation to help you fight these serious DUI charges. How do you know which attorney will best serve your needs?

Here are 9 questions to ask any potential DUI lawyer to help you determine if their experience and competency is right for your case.

How long have you been practicing?

You should not be satisfied with “X years” as an answer. You don’t just need to know how long they have been a “lawyer,” you need to know exactly how long they’ve worked as a  DUI lawyer. Orange County’s DUI laws are different from other states and your lawyer should have ample experience with DUI courts.

What is your experience with DUI cases?

According to Oren Atias, many lawyers focus on a number of criminal areas. You need to know if your attorney has extensive DUI case experience – not that they just “dabble” in it.

Which lawyer in your office will be handling my case?

Don’t assume that the person you are talking to will actually represent you in court. Some law firms “share” cases, which means they may appoint anyone in their office to handle your case. Find out who will be actually sitting beside you in the courtroom. You don’t want a kid fresh out of law school defending you in court.

When and where have you been a prosecutor before?

A DUI defense lawyer with prosecutorial experience can be a great asset because they know how the state will formulate its DUI case against you. However, be sure to ask the attorney where they have prosecuted cases – in a small, quiet county or a larger jurisdiction where DUI cases may be more commonplace.

How many jury trials have you argued?

You may need to go to trial in order to successfully fight a DUI charge. If a lawyer has spent most of their time at a desk instead of in a courtroom, this does not reflect well on their experience.

Related: DUI Amphetamine, Adderall, and Vyvanse Orange County

Has the State Bar ever disciplined you?

Like with the medical field, the state maintains a body that oversees those who practice law and handles any appropriate disciplinary action. If a lawyer has been punished by the state bar, it speaks poorly about their competence and integrity.

What legal costs might I incur in addition to your fees?

Legal-fees-1Your case may require expert witnesses, investigators, and other outside assistance. You need to know what these costs are up front instead of being surprised when you see the final bill.

What are the challenges in my case?

A good DUI defense lawyer will be able to spell out the weaknesses as well as the strengths in your case. Nonspecific answers to this question may be an indicator that the lawyer does not know what they are doing.

How will my case turn out?

This is a logical question to ask. But you should know that no lawyer can promise a positive outcome in any DUI case. So be wary of anyone who guarantees a positive verdict or favorable plea bargain.

Your DUI defense lawyer is the biggest thing standing between you and jail time, a hefty fine, and/or a driver’s license suspension. So be sure you have hired the right lawyer to represent you as this decision can change your life.

If you have been arrested for DUI, there is no time to waste! If you want to try to get your license back, you have less than 5 days to hire a lawyer. Your trial date is almost always less than 2 months from the date you were charged and, thus, waiting just 14 days to hire a lawyer could severely handicap your DUI defense.

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DUI Oxycontin Law Orange County

If you have been charged with a DUI for being under the influence of a Prescription Pain Medication including Oxycontin, Oxycodone or Percocet in Orange County, because you were given a urine or blood test that was positive for the presence of Oxycontin, Percocet, Oxycodone, or other prescription narcotic pain medication, you should contact DUI Lawyers and get in touch with a law firm that works with a team of professionals on the matter and that knows how to handle those particular kinds of DUI charges.

Oxycontin, Percocet, Oxycodone are prescription pain medications containing opiods and narcotics that help users who suffer from physical pain to be relieved from that pain while taking the prescribed medication. Unfortunately the police can give DUIs for being under the influence of a prescribed pain medication. Whether you have had life long pain, have suffered a sudden trauma, have been in a car accident or injured in the workplace, there are many reasons that Doctors prescribe pain medication, validly and with good cause. Unfortunately the labels on these medications may warn not to drive a motor vehicle or operate heavy machinery. What are you supposed to do in this situation? Not drive? Absolutely not!

That is why DUI Lawyers Orange County works with blood split specialists, other doctors as experts and strive to possibly negate the showing of “actual impairment”.

Unfortunately the main ingredient in these medications is usually a derivative of Opiates, potent substances that cause the user to feel mellow and relaxed… for a short period of time, perhaps 6-12 hours.

What is the possible outcome of a criminal charge for DUI for Oxycontin, Painkiller or Percocet?

DUI Oxycontin lawyers Orange County

Depending on the amount of the drug in your system at the time, we can make a case that you were not “actually impaired”.

Additionally, if the police officer did not stop you for the right reasons or had no reason at all, there will not be probable cause and it will be possible that the case can be dismissed.

How can DUI LAWYERS Oxycontin Orange County help you win your case?

Despite the possible legal problems of a DUI for Oxycontin, Opiods, Prescription Pain medication, or Percocet in Orange County there are blood split tests that can show the amount of the intoxicant fell below the threshold that would constitute actual impairment. This fact is in the clients’ favor.

Additionally, there are not always warning labels on Oxycontin, Percocet, or other prescription pain medications asking users to refrain from driving a motor vehicle or using heavy machinery, says Oren Atias. Technically, if you are pulled over by a police officer and it is discovered that you have been taking Oxycontin, a Prescription Painkiller or a similar sustenance, are then charged with a DUI for Drugs, for being under the influence, there are plausible defenses to such a case, including the defense that you are not “actually impaired”.

Our team of lawyers would ask for a blood split to determine when the last time the drug was used, and if so, the relative quantity of the drug. If we can show that the driver was either more alert, or not under the influence of Oxycontin, then a DUI for Oxycontin may not stick in Court.

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10 Safety Tips for Law Firms, Attorneys and Legal Professionals

Violence committed by clients against attorneys and legal professionals is real. It happens in small towns and big cities, and in small and large legal practices. Some practice areas are more volatile than others, such as divorce and family law, dispute resolution, employment law, DUI law and real estate litigation. Particularly in a bad economy with high unemployment, tempers are short and more people reach levels of desperation.

Receptionists and other staff in law firms also encounter angry, hostile clients. Although experienced receptionists have a thick skin and are sometimes trained in how to manage harassment by clients and opposing parties, there are situations when they are truly threatened and in danger.

Law practice management should include systems and procedures that ensure workplace safety and violence prevention for attorneys and staff. All law office employees should acquire the skills to recognize and manage threatening, potentially dangerous individuals. Client-facing legal professionals need tools to protect themselves and prevent early stage situations from escalating into major, dangerous events.

Here are 10 safety tips for attorneys and legal staff.

1. Create a safe work environment for receptionists

Ensure receptionists have a clear view of the office entry way with little opportunity for people to sneak in or hide, particularly doors, elevators, and all traffic flow. Design the front desk to provide a barrier between receptionists and clients but also allows easy escape. Delineate a clear understanding of where clients are allowed to be in the lobby and front desk area. Remove office objects from the front desk that are potential weapons and keep them stored in drawers or cabinets – staplers, scissors and letter openers. Keep computer screens and family photos away from public view.

2. Establish safe meeting areas for clients and attorneys

Safe areas can include windows to allow co-workers to see what is occurring inside but still maintain confidentiality. Meeting areas should have two entrances so attorneys and staff can avoid being cornered. Before entering meeting rooms with potentially threatening clients, remove potential weapons from them.

3. Install security technology

Technology helps protect employees, reduces the severity of incidents and provides ways to quickly respond to situations. Consider installing buzzer doors that allow entry only after verification of the visitor. Provide panic buttons for attorneys, receptionists and other staff to discreetly notify others of a potentially dangerous situation before it escalates. Cameras and adequate lighting also help deter assailants.

4. Train all attorneys and staff how to handle angry clients

Defusing skills and knowing how to de-escalate hostile behavior are essential for attorneys and client-facing employees. Listening skills, redirecting negative behavior, setting boundaries and assault awareness are all acquired skills that should be continually honed with training and practice. There are many free online resources and security consultants who provide these services.

Also Read: Top 5 Situations, Where You Need the Help of a DUI Lawyer

5. Establish a workplace violence policy and procedures

These should include clear instructions on how employees can report any concerns. Just as important as the method of reporting is an environment where all employees feel safe and supported. A danger that occurs in all workplaces, including law offices, is domestic violence spillover. When employees face domestic violence threats they must feel comfortable enough to inform their manager about embarrassing, private matters.

6. Provide employee assistance programs

Oren Atias DUI Lawyers Orange County

Employee issues also arise from within a law practice. Human resources should provide support programs to employees with disciplinary issues or personal problems. This type of support helps prevent acts of violence and helps create a stronger, healthier workplace.

7. Develop risk and threat assessments

When a threat by a client emerges or is identified, a law office needs a process to determine the likelihood and severity of the threat. A process that gathers information, collects and reviews evidence and weighs warning signs is part of a good threat management system. Connections and relationships with local law enforcement and security professionals are paramount to risk analysis. Front desk personnel should be given descriptions of the threat with safety instructions should identified individuals arrive at the law firm.

8. Utilize legal resources to increase employee protection

According to Oren Atias, workplace restraining orders and trespass orders can always be obtained. Misdemeanor charges such as telephone harassment, stalking or property damage can be levied to create a paper trail for a threat, and the charges warn the individual not to harass legal professionals pending the trial. Many states also have a victim notification system that automatically calls any phone number once a person is released from jail.

9. Establish emergency response procedures

Should a threat ever become a reality, emergency response procedures help prevent a bad situation from becoming a complete catastrophe. A system that notifies all employees, has escape and lockdown procedures and support mechanisms for emergency response personnel are all components of crisis management.

10. Coordinate and communicate with neighboring businesses

It is important neighboring businesses are aware of potentially threatening, dangerous individuals. When a man bent on killing an attorney opens fire, anyone in the vicinity can be a target. Not only can emergency management be coordinated, but the surveillance of individuals and potential risks is increased through such community partnerships.

Law firms committed to workplace security ensure safe workplaces through the design of their facilities and the implementation of accessible, sophisticated technology. They train attorneys and employees in basic security skills to help mitigate hostile encounters. Conscientious law firms provide support for employees in need and establish an environment where their concerns can be disclosed. Safe law firms establish and practice threat and emergency management procedures that are vital in maintaining a safe workplace. While shootings in law firms are rare, the much more common hostile encounters with clients are sometimes warning signs that should be taken seriously.

These safety tips provide a general framework for establishing a safer law office, but the key requirement is to recognize threats against attorneys and legal professionals are real and can happen anywhere.

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Top 5 Situations, Where You Need the Help of a DUI Lawyer

Sometimes, when people have to defend against legal charges in court, financial strain can often become a big worry for them. A lot of people don’t consider hiring an attorney with a thought of saving their money. In fact, it could cost them more in the long run. The necessity of a lawyer actually depends on the severity of the case and the legal confidence of the individual. Specifically, in a case of DUI, it is almost always advised that the defendant should hire an attorney in order to defend against serious charges in court.

Oren Atias has shared these top five situations, where hiring a competent DUI attorney is important!

Sentence Bargaining

When the prosecutor’s case is weak, the chances of acquittal are best with the assistance of a lawyer. A guilty verdict gives the judge the ability to sentence you to the max. An attorney can explore alternates to bargain to a lesser charge in exchange for a promise to recommend a lighter sentence. An expert DUI lawyer knows the best steps to take, along with the appropriate way to communicate in order to get you the least punishment possible.

Unsure About Plead

Pleading guilty or non-guilty is not a decision that you can all on your own. If you are involved in any sort of gray area, or your BAC is barely above the limit, it will be better to consult a legal advisor before you plea. Every case is unique and requires careful attention to detail at every step of the way. Identical techniques not always turn out to be successful in removing the charge-off. That’s why, considering a DUI lawyer like Oren Atias, who encompass right qualifications and experience in the field to present you upright and effectively prosecute for a better outcome.

Unaware of DUI Laws

Oren Atias

Since you never involved in a legal profession. It provides an evidence that your knowledge of DUI laws related to the influence is inadequate. Thus, lack of knowledge means you don’t know the effective method of applying laws in different cases. But an expert lawyer like Oren Atias is familiar with all the laws related to DUI in Orange County. Also, assist you to comprehend – how they apply to your case. It might surprise you when a lawyer puts their strategy in front of you to attain a positive outcome of your case.

DUI Originated From an Accident

According to Oren Atias, there are umpteen situations, when a police officer may pull you over and give you a DUI. A scenario, I am considering – If a DUI originated from an accident in which you were involved and the person experienced serious injuries, the penalties involved in such a cases are more severe. However, the prosecutor assistance will seek a sentence toward liberating you or reducing your penalties.

Incredibly High BAC

Incredibly high BAC is the last and the most important scenario, where you need to hire a DUI lawyer. For example, if your blood-alcohol content was double the legal limit, you are likely to face harsher punishments. The more severe the case the better it is to have a lawyer present.